Sicherung des Fachkräftepotenzials durch Nachqualifizierung: Befunde - Konzepte - Forschungsbedarf (Berichte zur beruflichen Bildung) | Cover
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Sicherung des Fachkräftepotenzials durch Nachqualifizierung: Befunde - Konzepte - Forschungsbedarf (Berichte zur beruflichen Bildung) [Taschenbuch]

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Versandfertig: sofort

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The job market is facing a mismatch conundrum: on the one hand, German companies feel the lack of skilled workers with increasing severity. On the other, there is a multitude of semi-skilled workers, whose education potential remains untapped. What is needed are new strategies to ensure the availability of skilled workers.

Individuals without formal professional qualifications must be encouraged to continue their education in order to improve their chances in the job market.

This volume explains theoretical principles, references the current participation of semi-skilled workers in further education offerings and outlines action measures required in the future.


ISBN: 3763911723, EAN: 9783763911721

Taschenbuch: 154 Seiten

Verlag: wbv Media

Größe: 23,6 cm x 16,6 cm x 0,4 cm

Gewicht: 369 g

Lagerort: Buchmarie, 64293 Darmstadt, Bunsenstr. 14a

Regal: 30163

Bestellnummer: 1469089_61e_2