Jesus' Cry from the Cross: Towards a First-Century Understanding of the Intertextual Relationship Between Psalm 22 and the Narrative of Marka S G: ... (Library of New Testament Studies, 398) | Cover
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Jesus' Cry from the Cross: Towards a First-Century Understanding of the Intertextual Relationship Between Psalm 22 and the Narrative of Marka S G: ... (Library of New Testament Studies, 398) [Gebundene Ausgabe]

von: Carey, Holly J.

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167,12 €*

Gebraucht, Gut 
Versandfertig: sofort

Auflage: 2009.

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*alle Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Presents a multi-level approach to Mark 15: 34, arguing that a contextual reading of Ps 22: 2 does not negate or dilute the presentation of Jesus as one in distress.


ISBN: 056701858X, EAN: 9780567018588

Gebundene Ausgabe: 240 Seiten


Größe: 23,4 cm x 15,4 cm x 2,4 cm

Gewicht: 481 g

Lagerort: Buchmarie, 64293 Darmstadt, Bunsenstr. 14a

Regal: 2301

Bestellnummer: 3269188_e12