Bildung als Menschenrecht: Systematische Anfragen an die Umsetzung in Deutschland (Forum Bildungsethik) | Cover
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Bildung als Menschenrecht: Systematische Anfragen an die Umsetzung in Deutschland (Forum Bildungsethik) [Taschenbuch]

von: Neuhoff, Katja

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41,20 €*

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Versandfertig: sofort

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Education is a basic human right and an important prerequisite in order to take advantage of other civic and political rights. Inequality in education remains an issue also in Germany.

The author examines the groups of national school leavers and students with a migratory background as two of the most educationally underprivileged groups in the German system. She presents a stock-take of current data, followed by an interpretation and discussion of inequalities on the basis of social and education scientific research. The author sounds out what should be demanded within the scope of the basic human right to education and what reforms are required to allow a consistent realisation of this basic right in Germany.

Weitere Artikel aus der Kategorie: Bildungswesen (Schule / Hochschule) (mehr anzeigen)


ISBN: 3763955119, EAN: 9783763955114

Taschenbuch: 359 Seiten

Verlag: wbv Publikation

Größe: 21,8 cm x 14,6 cm x 1,9 cm

Gewicht: 345 g

Lagerort: Buchmarie, 64293 Darmstadt, Bunsenstr. 14a

Regal: 2231

Bestellnummer: 3370382_cb0_3x