Between Colonialism and Diaspora: Sikh Cultural Formations in an Imperial World | Cover
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Between Colonialism and Diaspora: Sikh Cultural Formations in an Imperial World [Taschenbuch]

von: Ballantyne, Tony

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Analyzes historical construction of Sikh identity in the context of colonial modernity and post-colonial diaspora, with an emphasis on competing narratives of religious and ethnic identity arising from cross-cultural interactions.


ISBN: 0822338246, EAN: 9780822338246

Taschenbuch: 248 Seiten

Verlag: Duke University Press

Veröffentlicht im: August 2006

Größe: 22,4 cm x 15,2 cm x 2,0 cm

Gewicht: 358 g

Lagerort: Buchmarie, 64293 Darmstadt, Bunsenstr. 14a

Regal: 2526

Bestellnummer: 3336682_ed6_2x