The Emperor's New Computer: Ict, Teachers and Teaching (Critical Issues in the Future of Learning and Teaching, Band 2) | Cover
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The Emperor's New Computer: Ict, Teachers and Teaching (Critical Issues in the Future of Learning and Teaching, Band 2) [Taschenbuch]

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The influence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on all aspects of teaching and learning has increasingly become the focus of research and theoretical consideration in a variety of academic arenas including education and culture. ICT's subtle and seductive impact on educational administration; globalisation; curriculum design, development and delivery; and teacher roles and responsibilities has challenged the privileged notion of how education in society is or should be delivered. Most schools and curricula require ICT enabled or supported courses as part of their mission or design. Yet the seeming ubiquitous adoption of ICT has not made the technology's use any less controversial. There is much that is still puzzling and troubling about Information and Communication Technology and its impact on teachers and learners. The Emperor's New Computer: ICT, Teaching and Learning presents nine chapters that reflect international points of view on the intersection of Information and Communication Technology and education, pose critical questions about ICT's use and examine ways of navigating the complex paths that ICT has carved in all aspects of global education, society and culture.


ISBN: 9087906552, EAN: 9789087906559

Taschenbuch: 242 Seiten


Größe: 23,2 cm x 15,4 cm x 1,0 cm

Gewicht: 281 g

Lagerort: Buchmarie, 64293 Darmstadt, Bunsenstr. 14a

Regal: 2515

Bestellnummer: 582845_11e