Path Integral Approach to Quantum Physics: An Introduction (Texts and Monographs in Physics) (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics) | Cover
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Path Integral Approach to Quantum Physics: An Introduction (Texts and Monographs in Physics) (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics) [Taschenbuch]

von: Roepstorff, Gert

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Namenseintrag. Ausgeschiedenes Bibliothekenexemplar mit Aufklebern und Einband mit Selbstklebefolie. Buchschnitt leicht vergilbt.

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Specifically designed to introduce graduate students to the functional integration method in contemporary physics as painlessly as possible, the book concentrates on the conceptual problems inherent in the path integral formalism. Throughout, the striking interplay between stochastic processes, statistical physics and quantum mechanics comes to the fore, and all the methods of fundamental interest are generously illustrated by important physical examples.


ISBN: 3540611061, EAN: 9783540611066

Taschenbuch: 404 Seiten

Verlag: Springer

Größe: 22,1 cm x 14,7 cm x 6,1 cm

Gewicht: 544 g

Lagerort: Buchmarie, 64293 Darmstadt, Bunsenstr. 14a

Regal: 2586

Bestellnummer: 3403833_4b1_4x