Spaces for Change?: The Politics of Citizen Participation in New Democratic Arenas (Claiming Citizenship: Rights, Participation And Accountability, 4) | Cover
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Spaces for Change?: The Politics of Citizen Participation in New Democratic Arenas (Claiming Citizenship: Rights, Participation And Accountability, 4) [Taschenbuch]

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This book provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to the developments which have brought about a new, global wave of inclusiveness and democracy.

From Brazil to Bangladesh, a new form of participatory politics is springing up. Featuring contributions detailing how such movements have worked in Latin America, Europe and Africa, the book analyzes the impact they have had on the democratic process. By opening up the political sphere in this way, the authors contend, these grassroots movements truly have created "spaces for change."


ISBN: 1842775537, EAN: 9781842775530

Taschenbuch: 288 Seiten

Verlag: Zed Books Ltd

Größe: 21,4 cm x 14,0 cm x 2,7 cm

Gewicht: 399 g

Lagerort: Buchmarie, 64293 Darmstadt, Bunsenstr. 14a

Regal: 2726a

Bestellnummer: 3413905_017_3x