The Feminine Dimension of the Divine: A Study of Sophia and Feminine Images in Religion | Cover
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The Feminine Dimension of the Divine: A Study of Sophia and Feminine Images in Religion [Taschenbuch]

von: Engelsman, Joan Chamberlain

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29,93 €*

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Versandfertig: sofort

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Departing from the traditional image of God as masculine, Engelsman examines the feminine dimension of the divine. She recovers female images of the divine, examining the goddesses Demeter, Isis and in particular, Sophia, to demonstrate how the feminine aspect of God was repressed in Christianity. This revised edition contains a new preface, introduction and updated bibliography by the author.

Weitere Artikel aus der Kategorie: Grenzwissenschaften (mehr anzeigen)


ISBN: 1630512117, EAN: 9781630512118

Taschenbuch: 222 Seiten

Verlag: Chiron Publications

Größe: 20,3 cm x 12,7 cm x 1,6 cm

Gewicht: 225 g

Lagerort: Buchmarie, 64293 Darmstadt, Bunsenstr. 14a

Regal: 3341

Bestellnummer: 3316618_321_2x