The Pride of Place: Local Memories and Political Culture in Modern France | Cover
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The Pride of Place: Local Memories and Political Culture in Modern France [Taschenbuch]

von: Gerson, Stephane

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Arguing that the "local" and modernity were interlaced, rather than inimical, between the 1820s and 1890s, Gerson explores the diverse uses of local memories in modern France - from their theatricality and commercialization to their political and pedagogical applications. The book shows that, contrary to our received ideas about French nationhood and centralism, the "local" buttressed the nation while seducing Parisian and local officials. The state cautiously supported the cult of local memories even as it sought to co-opt them and grappled with their cultural and political implications. The current enthusiasm for local memories, Gerson thus finds, is neither new nor a threat to Republican unity. More broadly yet, this book illuminates the predicament of countries that, like France, are now caught between supranational forces and a revival of local sentiments.


ISBN: 0801488737, EAN: 9780801488733

Taschenbuch: 344 Seiten

Verlag: Cornell University Press

Veröffentlicht im: September 2003

Größe: 23,1 cm x 15,2 cm x 2,3 cm

Gewicht: 476 g

Lagerort: Buchmarie, 64293 Darmstadt, Bunsenstr. 14a

Regal: 2555

Bestellnummer: 3331341_1cc_3x