Energetics of Endo: A journey to uncover deeper meaning behind endometriosis and infertility | Cover
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Energetics of Endo: A journey to uncover deeper meaning behind endometriosis and infertility [Taschenbuch]

von: Deimler, Aubree

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9,40 €*

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I thought I was doing everything right to manage endometriosis in a holistic way, yet..

Despite diet changes, handfuls of supplements, and stress management techniques, I still couldn't shake the excruciating pain with my periods.

I also continued to struggle with infertility.


As I opened up to deeper exploration of this question, fueled by intention, I was guided down a path of greater healing that I wasn't expecting.

Energetics of Endo captures the story along the way, with encouragement for you to become aware and dig deeper into the emotional and spiritual components of your life with endometriosis.

And know that you're not alone.

Weitere Artikel aus der Kategorie: Entspannung / Yoga / Meditation / Autogenes Training (mehr anzeigen)


ISBN: 0578214199, EAN: 9780578214191

Taschenbuch: 312 Seiten

Verlag: Peace with Endo Books

Größe: 21,4 cm x 14,9 cm x 1,9 cm

Gewicht: 460 g

Lagerort: Buchmarie, 64293 Darmstadt, Bunsenstr. 14a

Regal: 4033

Bestellnummer: 3158325_e4a_3x