The Indian Princes and their States (The New Cambridge History of India, Band 6) | Cover
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The Indian Princes and their States (The New Cambridge History of India, Band 6) [Gebundene Ausgabe]

von: Ramusack, Barbara N.

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Barbara Ramusack describes the pre-colonial origins of the Indian princes, frequently portrayed as synonymous with oriental luxury, and how they adapted their public activities and personal lifestyles to survive as political leaders and cultural icons. Their collaboration enabled the British to govern India with relatively limited manpower from the late 1790s to 1947. The book is intended for students of colonial history and visitors to the princely states.


ISBN: 0521267277, EAN: 9780521267274

Gebundene Ausgabe: 328 Seiten

Verlag: Cambridge University Press

Veröffentlicht im: Dezember 2003

Größe: 23,0 cm x 15,8 cm x 2,8 cm

Gewicht: 640 g

Lagerort: Buchmarie, 64293 Darmstadt, Bunsenstr. 14a

Regal: 3904

Bestellnummer: 3372425_f6d_3x