In Style: Instant Style | Cover
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In Style: Instant Style [Flexibler Einband]

von: Editors of InStyle Magazine

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Serves as a guide to streamlining, shopping for, and maintaining your ideal wardrobe all year round. Containing photographs of clothes and celebrities, this book covers the basics, outlining essential clothing items for each season. It also shows how to complement them with pieces that accentuate personal style.

Weitere Artikel aus der Kategorie: Schönheit / Kosmetik (mehr anzeigen)


ISBN: 1933405201, EAN: 9781933405209

Flexibler Einband: 208 Seiten

Verlag: InStyle

Veröffentlicht im: Oktober 2006

Größe: 23,3 cm x 19,4 cm x 2,1 cm

Gewicht: 903 g