Sioux of the Rosebud: A History in Pictures (Civilization of the American Indian, Band 111) | Cover
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Sioux of the Rosebud: A History in Pictures (Civilization of the American Indian, Band 111) [Taschenbuch]

von: Hamilton, Henry W.

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Volume 111 in The Civilization of the American Indian Series

"From 1891 until 1948 when he died, John A. Anderson lived on the Rosebud, recording the daily lives and activities of the Indians as they painfully adjusted to an agricultural existence. . . . Anderson not only captured scenes which documented ordinary chores of farming, ranching, and butchering, he showed much of the Rosebud landscape, many famous Indians, and photographed the unusual White Buffalo, Sun, and Omaha dance ceremonies. . . . The Hamiltons have not only brought together the greatest single collection of Anderson's photographys, their painstaking captions and narrative form a remarkable history of the early 'civilization'of the Brule Sioux. . . . A must for any serious student of the American Indian."---AMERICAN BOOK COLLECTOR

"This collection, with its careful identifications, progressive arrangement, and handsome format, comprises a valuable historical record of an important people and their way of life." ---PACIFIC NORTHWEST QUARTERLY

Henry W. Hamilton was the author of many books and articles on archaeology and agriculture. Jean Tyree Hamilton is the author many historical articles including Arrow Rock, Where the Wheels Started West (Columbia, Missouri, 1963).


ISBN: 0806116226, EAN: 9780806116228

Taschenbuch: 354 Seiten

Verlag: University of Oklahoma Press

Veröffentlicht im: Februar 1981

Größe: 25,7 cm x 17,7 cm x 1,9 cm

Gewicht: 565 g

Lagerort: Buchmarie, 64293 Darmstadt, Bunsenstr. 14a

Regal: 3452

Bestellnummer: 3320794_0e6_3x