Witness for the Prosecution (Acting Edition S.) | Cover
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Witness for the Prosecution (Acting Edition S.) [Taschenbuch]

von: Christie, Agatha

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Ältere Ausgabe. Anderes Cover.

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Leonard Vole stands in the dock, accused of murder. His wife can prove his innocence but when she takes the stand she denies his alibi. Can he escape the hangman's noose?

Weitere Artikel aus der Kategorie: Lyrik / Dramatik / Essays (mehr anzeigen)


ISBN: 0573015007, EAN: 9780573015007

Taschenbuch: 112 Seiten

Verlag: Samuel French Ltd

Größe: 20,8 cm x 13,4 cm x 0,6 cm

Gewicht: 100 g

Lagerort: Buchmarie, 64293 Darmstadt, Bunsenstr. 14a

Regal: 30726

Bestellnummer: 2800312_04a_4x