The Essentials of Florida Mental Health Law: A Straightforward Guide for Clinicians of All Disciplines | Cover
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The Essentials of Florida Mental Health Law: A Straightforward Guide for Clinicians of All Disciplines [Taschenbuch]

von: Behnke, Stephen H.

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An indispensable book for both student and practicing clinicians, as well as for lawyers who want a better understanding of this interesting and ever-changing field, The Essentials of Florida Mental Health Law explains in a straightforward and user-friendly manner the laws most relevant to mental health practice in Florida.


ISBN: 0393703096, EAN: 9780393703092

Taschenbuch: 242 Seiten

Verlag: WW Norton & Co

Veröffentlicht im: März 2000

Größe: 23,6 cm x 16,0 cm x 2,5 cm

Gewicht: 513 g

Lagerort: Buchmarie, 64293 Darmstadt, Bunsenstr. 14a

Regal: 31663

Bestellnummer: 3324279_27d_3x