Dark Legacy ('Dark' Carpathian, Band 31) | Cover
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Dark Legacy ('Dark' Carpathian, Band 31) [Taschenbuch]

von: Feehan, Christine

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In a thrilling Carpathian novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan, a woman fights to free herself from the grip of the vampire trying to possess her . . . In a beautiful compound hidden away from the world, Emeline Sanchez tries to blunt the pain that has wracked her body ever since her terrifying ordeal in the labyrinth beneath the city - when she was forced to exchange blood with an evil master vampire. Now, it's his voice that haunts her . . . that calls to her in the dark . . . that never lets her rest. And while the children that she helped to free from his clutches struggle to heal, watched over by their Carpathian protectors, Emeline knows one thing: She must sacrifice herself to keep them all from harm.For her beauty is irresistible to the vampires, her psychic ability like a drug. Whipped into a frenzy, they'll never stop coming for her. And only the taste of one Carpathian warrior - the rush of his blood - can save her . . .

Weitere Artikel von: Feehan, Christine  (mehr anzeigen)


ISBN: 0349416494, EAN: 9780349416496

Taschenbuch: 416 Seiten

Verlag: DO NOT USE

Veröffentlicht im: September 2017

Größe: 23,2 cm x 15,2 cm x 3,2 cm

Gewicht: 500 g