Longshore Drift | Cover
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Longshore Drift [Taschenbuch]

von: Gillece, Karen

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In the blink of an eye, in a busy Brazilian marketplace, a small boy disappears without a trace... His mother's free-living existence, travelling South America with her lover and son, comes to a sudden, brutal end. Two years later, broken from searching for her missing son, Nacio, and desolate at her lover's departure, Lara returns to her childhood home on the southwest coast of Ireland. As she struggles to come to terms with her loss, Lara once again befriends Christy, her childhood sweetheart, who finds himself increasingly drawn to her bohemian nature. But what starts as an interest in her past grows into an obsession. As Lara tries to piece her life back together, never losing hope for Nacio, Christy begins to fall apart.

Weitere Artikel aus der Kategorie: Romane / Erzählungen (mehr anzeigen)


ISBN: 0340841249, EAN: 9780340841242

Taschenbuch: 400 Seiten

Verlag: Hachette Books Ireland

Veröffentlicht im: September 2006

Größe: 19,6 cm x 12,8 cm x 2,8 cm

Gewicht: 281 g

Lagerort: Buchmarie, 64293 Darmstadt, Bunsenstr. 14a

Regal: 2626

Bestellnummer: 3371677_f15_3x