The Two-Bear Mambo: A Hap and Leonard Novel (3) (Hap and Leonard Series, Band 3) | Cover
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The Two-Bear Mambo: A Hap and Leonard Novel (3) (Hap and Leonard Series, Band 3) [Taschenbuch]

von: Lansdale, Joe R.

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Florida Grange, Leonard's gorgeous lawyer and Hap's former lover, has vanished while in pursuit of the real story behind a jailhouse death. Fearing the worst, Hap and Leonard set out to do the investigating the good ol' boy cops can't--or won't--do themselves.


ISBN: 0307455491, EAN: 9780307455499

Taschenbuch: 288 Seiten

Verlag: Vintage Crime/Black Lizard

Veröffentlicht im: Mai 2009

Größe: 20,3 cm x 13,2 cm x 1,7 cm

Gewicht: 275 g